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Zadowolenie naszych klientów z systemu YetiForce, jak również z usług świadczonych przez naszą firmę jest dla nas priorytetem. Dokładamy wszelkich starań by jakość naszych usług stała na jak najwyższym poziomie, a każdy klient, który z nami współpracuje był pewien, że właściwie zainwestował swoje pieniądze.
Wiemy, że podjęcie decyzji co do wyboru systemu lub wsparcia nie jest łatwe. By ułatwić Państwu ten wybór zachęcamy do zapoznania się z opiniami naszych użytkowników, pokazującymi jak nasze rozwiązanie pomaga optymalizować procesy biznesowe w ich firmach.
Good support team, steady development, free or low priced support. Secure, still pretty fast. Suggestions are taken seriously and its open source! Continued development with big steps. Still our first choice to advise our clients!
We are an Italian system integrator and we are using YetiForce for all our CRM projects. We ask a feedback for all our customers about their yetiforce experience and the result is always that the application is intuitive, fast and user friendly.
YetiForce's extensive set of products promised to cater to all our sales, marketing, management, and support needs. We made the big decision to completely migrate from our previous sales platform to YetiForce, and now we're happy about that move.
Feature rich, easy to customize, ability to create your own modules, fast loading (no shaky screen transitions like my old vtiger used to do), superbly integrated with components such as Roundcube.
Yetiforce is not only loaded with lots of extremely useful modules, but its code has been swept with all residue bad and unnecessary code produced by "older brother".
I recommend YetiForce to everyone who is looking for a reliable, secure, free, and open source CRM that can do as much as the commercial ones can.
Easy to install and to manage. Easy to customize. Great Github site. A lot of functions. Its Free. It would be the best CRM.
This is really amazing crm, what make better job on my company! easy to install, easy to use and with great community!
I consider Yetiforce CRM a very powerful platform that can significantly increase the productivity of any business.
Pracownicy firmy YetiForce przeprowadzili dogłębną i profesjonalną analizę naszych potrzeb i zmodyfikowali wybrane elementy systemu zgodnie z naszymi wymaganiami.
Dzięki dokładnej analizie naszych potrzeb otrzymaliśmy system w pełni dostosowany do naszych wymagań, a nasze oczekiwania dotyczące funkcjonalności zostały całkowicie spełnione.
Projekt został wykonany zgodnie z metodyką Agile a dodatkowo zakres prac i ich terminowość była zgodna z umową.
In my opinion, simply the best of the open-source alternatives I've seen. Very customizable and a out-of-the-box fully usable featured solution.
I've seen and used a lot of free alternatives, but this one takes the cake. A fully featured suite with all you'll ever need. If your business is small like mine, you can slim it down to suit your needs. Highly customizable with a very large and supportive community.
I've been using Yetiforce CRM for 1 year and its evolution is fast with new added features. An excellent CRM software.
Very useful software. Just in few clicks and ready to start your own business. Github contacts fast and ready to react on all the problems. I think it's great.
Complete solution for our own custom CRM. - It is totally free!!! - We can have YetiForce team to help build our own custom CRM with some fees, but it is considered cheap.
Great, easy to use and configure to match your needs. Never failed. It is open source so if I want to add some functionality I just write my own module. It has also lots of features already built in, which are normally extra paid. It allowed me to customize it according to my needs.
I did not really find anything that would make me unhappy about this CRM. Every problem I came across and could not solve it myself, was usually fixed in the next release of CRM.
It is an excellent tool, I work for years with vtiger and Yetiforce far surpasses it. I recommend 100% YetiForce.
Project management and product catalog I can find and use easily. All software is like a puzzle you want to match with pleasure.
CRM is fully customised which makes it suitable for all our activities. Team has demonstrated good understanding of our business needs, contact with the vendor is easy. Documentation for implementation was well thought-over. This system user friendly, despite it is technical complexity. We will continue cooperation with YetiForce. It keeps our document and information circulation much easier.
I used a couple of different CRM apps before, both free and paid but they were never enough. If they were free they didn't have everything I needed, if they had everything I needed they were simply too expensive. Yeti Force, however, beats them all. I had a few issues at the very beginning but they were fixed pretty quickly and it's been working well ever since. Great project management features, free support, allows you to enable/disable modules and add custom ones.
Great cooperation with YetiForce! They moved our business on new level with their software.
Customization for our needs is splendid! We can create new features which we need almost on demand.
Easy to use and good customer support. The flexibility of the system, you can add field in the modules very simple. You can make your own modules very simple. We use it for our operational process, working with tickets and service contracts.
It is easy to set up and use, nice GUI, excellent and elastic support. They can implement custom module for You. I recommend this product.
We have been using YetiForce for a couple of years and it has never let us down. It is quick and intuitive. The producer offers several support options, including free support. It is a decent application that requires no subscription or license fees. I would recommend it to everyone who is looking for a reliable open source CRM.
Easy to use and good customer support. The flexibility of the system, you can add field in the modules very simple. You can make your own modules very simple. We use it for our operational process, working with tickets and service contracts.
I found YetiForce a little bit over a year ago and decided to give it a try. The developer always surprises us with something great. For example the latest version brought a record preview functionality that I've been waiting for for a long time. It saves us a lot of time (and clicks) on a daily basis.
It really has amazing functionality once you set it up to fit your business. I have been using it for almost 2 years and there was never a thought to find a replacement for this CRM. Especially that there are modules that aren't free in other systems and you can have an unlimited number of users also for free.
YetiForce offers a great functionality that makes a lot of things related to customers service very easy, quick and smooth when it comes to running a business. It is clear and quick to use, does not pose any problems when finding desired functionality. A big plus for having as many users as we need, costless.
It's very flexible and open source, you can modify whatever sections of it, if you want. Moreover, it's front-end skin and structure are stylish, beautiful, web 2.0 colors, and you can connect it to your mobile application (android and ios), to create an integrated system for your company.
We are using this software for handling our related issues processes in marketing, sales, and products management. It has many modules, so you don't need to worry about any limitation in the powerful back-end. This software lets you manage your data related to marketing, customer support, products and more.
Great product, and for free! Great choice for any business!
All necessary modules, widgets and features are already in the system for free, the developers also provide free help. The system is quite easy to install and manage and it's very user friendly when properly configured. One of the factors that made us choose YetiForce is their beneficial license. The app is fast, secure, looks good and works well.
Yetiforce was extremely easy to install and is leaps and bounds above other CRM solutions
I installed vTiger for a Client who lives on the East Coast. It took me over 24 working hours to get vtiger installed and initially setup correctly (by suppressing error messages, lots of // in the code). YetiForce requirements and install was extremely straight forward and easy to get setup.
Splendid software with plenty of features, all very useful in your customer's service.
Offline installation, safe code, many many many features (you're good when you use 10% of them), nice responsive interface, e-mail integration, customization, ease of maintenance and backup.
Very complete tool for handling customer information
What I like about Yetiforce, is that although it is a free download tool, it is very complete and intuitive.
YetiForce has a lot of versatile functionalities and tools that can be easily found in the application. It's also fairly easy to manage from the administrator's perspective. Updates and new features are released quite regularly. The application is free and opensource so the possibilities are endless.
I have 14 years of experience in Open Source CRM and this has been very impressive from the beginning. It has many fine features and clean and functional layouts. Easy to administrate, when first learned to use its diverse functions. Convenient functions to make own translations, custom modules, relations between modules and fields, widgets, colouring importing records, etc., etc. Relative quick reacting in reported issues.
YetiForce S.A.
Al. Jana Pawła II 22,
00-133 Warszawa, Polska
NIP: 118-000-24-25
KRS: 0000940956
REGON: 008163492